Oral Care

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Do puppies lose teeth and when do pups lose their teeth is just one of the numerous queries that dog owners have. A new puppy can provide delight and hours of entertainment, but it can also have a tendency to gnaw and teethe on your fingers in addition to your shoes and the remote control. For pups to finish teething and realize that chewing on your shoes is not a good idea, it can take at least eight months.

Schedule for A Puppy’s Teething

There’s a lot to learn about how to handle certain changes in your dog as he ages, as well as what to anticipate. To help you prepare for your pet’s transition into an adult body, we’ve put together a schedule of when puppies go through their teething pains.

Weeks 2 to 4: When your puppy’s baby teeth begin to erupt, he will still be with his mother and breeder. His eyes will be open and he’ll still be nursing at this stage.

Weeks 5 to 6: All of your puppy’s newborn teeth ought to have erupted by this point. Dogs typically have 28 total baby teeth. As the puppies in the litter begin to consume moist, soft puppy food about this time, the breeder will probably have already weaned them or be in the midst of doing so.

Weeks 12 to 16: This is roughly the period that you will be able to bring your puppy home with you (some breeders allow puppies to go to their new owners’ homes at 8 weeks, while others choose to wait an additional month or two, depending on the breed).

As your puppy’s baby teeth start to fall out and its adult teeth begin to erupt, this is also the moment when you might start to see little, crumb- to rice-sized teeth laying around your house. This procedure is painful, as anyone who has ever taken care of a teething baby can attest! At this stage in his development, you should give your puppy safe chew toys, like a Kong or Treat Pod toy. To ensure that everything is proceeding as it should, ask your veterinarian to examine your puppy’s mouth as well.

This time is crucial for socialization, which is the process of introducing new experiences to your puppy in a relaxed setting. There are several steps in this process, but because we’re talking about teeth, now is a good time to start touching both the inside and outside of your puppy’s mouth. (Take cautious not to get nipped by him; his remaining puppy teeth are very sharp.) You will be preparing your puppy for the ability to love (or at least tolerate) having his teeth brushed by doing this.

6 Months and Up: By the time your puppy reaches the age of six months, all of his baby teeth ought to have fallen out and his adult teeth ought to have begun to erupt. Adult dogs typically have 42 teeth, which is around 10 more than people. Make sure to inform your veterinarian if you see any baby teeth still present because they could need to be extracted.

Keeping An Eye on The Puppy’s Teething Process

You can discover baby teeth in your home at random as your pet loses them. Your dog will occasionally consume them along with his meal, though. You may occasionally even be able to see the adult tooth pushing the baby tooth out of the gum. And occasionally, if the baby tooth is stubborn about falling out, you might need your veterinarian’s assistance to get it out so it won’t obstruct the development of the adult tooth underneath. Baby teeth can have long roots that could break off in the gum and create issues if you try to pull them yourself.

What Can We Do When Puppy Lose Teeth?

Veterinarians advise against attempting to remove a loose tooth on their own and advise waiting for baby teeth to come out naturally. Baby teeth have long roots, so removing a loose tooth risks breaking the root, which could then get infected. You may need to schedule a dental appointment with your veterinarian to have your dog’s baby teeth removed if the baby tooth is obstructing an emerging permanent tooth.

Some toy breeds, like Yorkshire terriers, frequently experience this condition, in which the baby tooth remains in place and prevents the adult tooth from erupting normally, leading to occlusion, or biting, problems. Crowding of baby and adult teeth can also cause periodontal problems, which can result in foul breath and the accumulation of dental plaque and tartar.

 How to Keep Teeth Healthy

Your responsibility is to maintain your puppy’s sparkling white chompers now that they are fully developed. Dogs lack the common sense to use their tongues to remove food that has been chewed from their teeth; this, coupled with plaque buildup, can cause bad breath, periodontal disease, and other major health issues.

Regular tooth brushing can help you avoid or delay the need for veterinary cleanings, which typically involve sedated dogs.

Begin by using a finger brush or gauze pad to lightly scrub the teeth. You can eventually upgrade to a canine toothbrush and toothpaste. Brushes should be soft, and toothpaste should be specially made for dogs (an enzymatic toothpaste will work both mechanically and chemically to destroy plaque). If your dog takes toothpaste intended for humans, it can give him an upset stomach. Using a paste made of baking soda and water, you may also clean your teeth.

Additionally, there are several foods, desserts, and other goods that can help reduce plaque. Look for items that have the Veterinary Oral Health Council’s stamp of approval. This page has a list. Check out our puppy teething bundle, which includes toys, snacks, and more, for more assistance with your teething puppy.

Although teething can lead to chewed shoes and baby teeth left on the carpet, puppies are great, playful companions, and it’s part of their natural growth process.

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