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Some people become frightened just by hearing the procedure’s name. It may come as a surprise to you to learn that root canals are not as painful or unpleasant as you might have thought. Like many things, root canals are feared by those who don’t understand them. However, a little information can go a long way toward demystifying the process, and East Lancaster, California dental office Smile Dental Group would like to assist.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal treatment often called simply a “root canal,” is necessary when the soft tissues inside your tooth, called the pulp, become infected. Deep cavities (cavities) or a crack or chip in the enamel of your tooth are the two most common causes of this. An abscess, a very serious and painful infection that can spread to your heart or brain and put your life in danger, can form when an infection in the pulp of your teeth spreads through the root canals into your gums.

How Bad is a Root Canal

Not at all unpleasant are root canals. We’ve outlined the steps your dentist will take to get you back on track with a happy, healthy smile as evidence to support this claim. Additionally, there are many ways to relax before visiting the dentist.

Why the Bad Reputation?

Due to rumors that the procedure will hurt or out of concern for complications, many people avoid getting root canals. Although root canal procedures may have been painful in the past, modern dental technology and anesthetics have made them roughly as painful as getting a filling. And tales of complications typically date back a very long time, to the days before we had a complete understanding of how diseases spread. A tooth that is actively infected won’t be operated on by a dentist today.

How Bad Is A Root Canal: All About Root Canal

What Are Some Symptoms That Indicate You May Need Root Canal Treatment?

Tooth Pain That Doesn’t Go Away

Tooth pain is a common symptom of dental issues. You might require root canal therapy if you experience pain deep inside your tooth. Your jaw, face, or other teeth could experience discomfort as well.

Sensitivity to Heat and Cold

It may be necessary to have a root canal if your tooth hurts when you eat ice cream or drink hot coffee. This is particularly true if the pain lasts for a long time.

Swollen Gums

Pus may gather around an infected tooth. Gums that are puffy, swollen, or tender may result from this.

Pimple on the Gums

A pimple or a boil on your gums could appear. An unpleasant taste or odor could result from pus from the infected tooth draining from the pimple.

Swollen Jaw

In some cases, the pus at the wound site doesn’t drain. Your jaw may consequently show signs of visible swelling.

Tooth Discoloration

It’s possible for your tooth to appear darker if the pulp of the tooth develops an infection. Because the tooth’s blood supply is inadequate, this happens.

Pain When Pressure is Applied

If you experience pain when you chew or touch your tooth, the pulp’s surrounding nerves may be damaged.

A Chipped Or Cracked Tooth

Bacteria can enter the tooth pulp if you’ve cracked a tooth due to trauma, sports, or even from biting down on something hard.

Loose Tooth

A tooth with an infection may feel looser. As a result, the tooth’s supporting bone may become more brittle due to the pus from the infected pulp.

What to Expect from Your Root Canal Treatment

Step 1:
The area around the injured tooth and affected tooth will be numbed. The mouth will then be covered by a dental dam, leaving only the affected tooth exposed.

Step 2 :
To access the inner chamber of the tooth or pulp, your dentist will drill a hole through the top of the tooth. You won’t get hurt, so don’t worry!

Step 3:
The pulp chamber’s infected tissue and nerves will be removed. Then, in order to stop infection, all the bad stuff will be cleaned out using specialized tools and disinfectants. As a result of the nerves being removed, you won’t feel anything in the tooth after this.

Step 4:
In order to place a filling and a sealant, your dentist will shape the canals in your tooth.

Step 5:
The root canal will be filled with a substance resembling rubber. After that, cement is placed over the tooth to prevent further bacterial entry. This section is vital!

Step 6:
Your dentist will place a temporary filling over the hole that was drilled, much like a cavity filling, after the root canal has been sealed.

Step 7:
After the dental dam is taken out, you will be given antibiotics to take home.

Step 8:
Once you have finished taking the antibiotics, you will go back to the dentist, who will then place a permanent filling on the tooth. Due to internal structural loss, this aids in supporting the tooth. Additionally, it’ll aid in preventing the growth of bacteria.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Root Canal Procedure?

Selecting root canal therapy has a number of advantages. This treatment can:

• Stop the spread of the infection to other teeth.
• Reduce the signs and symptoms of a tooth infection.
• decrease the chance of jawbone damage.
• eliminate the requirement for tooth extraction.

Close Note

It can be frightful to experience tooth pain or jaw swelling. Thankfully, root canal treatment can eliminate infection at its source, allowing you to recover quickly. Make an immediate call to your healthcare provider if you think you may have an infected or abscessed tooth. Early intervention can stop an infection from spreading and relieve your pain, allowing you to resume your normal activities.

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