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Everyone who whitens their teeth eventually develops some gum irritation. Although teeth whitening is frequently painless and has no adverse effects, it is not entirely risk-free. Certain individuals experience painful gums, sensitive teeth, and gum inflammation. Your gums could become burned if a potent bleaching solution is applied incorrectly.

How to treat burned gums from teeth whitening? The good news is that gum irritation usually goes away on its own within a few days as long as you stop the bleaching procedure right away. Saltwater rinses will assist in easing discomfort while recovering. If necessary, over-the-counter painkillers can lessen the itch or burning sensation.

Learn how to identify the signs of gum irritation and how to relieve it. Learn how to avoid gum burning instead.

Related Reading: How Much Is Teeth Whitening?

What Leads To Gum Burn After Teeth Whitening?

One of the main components in teeth whitening products is hydrogen peroxide, which frequently causes stinging or burning around the gums. Although the hydrogen peroxide concentration found in teeth whitening products is safe to use, exposing your gums to this agent may cause sensitivity or pain.

The majority of the time, whitening toothpaste contains little to no bleaching agents, but it does help brighten your teeth by removing stains. If the toothpaste does not contain hydrogen peroxide, it is less likely to irritate or burn the gums. If you scrub your teeth too vigorously, you might experience some irritation, but the ingredients themselves are most likely to be safe.

In addition to experiencing a chemical burn, other signs of gum irritation during the whitening process include the appearance of white spots or patches on your gums. You could develop inflamed gums and possibly develop tooth sensitivity.

There is no risk-free way to whiten your teeth using these chemicals. While teeth whitening is typically risk-free, there are some risks involved.

How To Treat Burned Gums From Teeth Whitening?

1. Warm and Cold Compresses
Directly applying compresses to your gums can help to relieve pain. Until your pain goes away, you can stick with a hot or cold compress, or you can alternate between the two.

Use a clean cloth and hot water to wet it to create a hot compress. The water should not be scalding hot. Place the cloth over your mouth, where the pain is, and squeeze out any extra water. Use ice cubes or an ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth to apply a cold compress to the sore area of your mouth.

2. Salt Water Rinse
A great way to lessen mouth inflammation is with salt water rinses. The salt helps eliminate oral bacteria and stops new bacterial growth. With only three ingredients, you can make a homemade salt water rinse according to our recipe.

Salt Water Rinse

3. Herbal Paste
Make your own herbal paste using mouth-safe ingredients like turmeric or cloves to apply to your inflamed gums. Curcumin, which is found in the bright yellow-orange spice turmeric, can help reduce inflammation and shield the mouth from gingivitis and gum disease. A component found in cloves helps temporarily numb the nerves in your mouth, relieving toothaches and pain from inflammation.

Start by combining a little warm water with a powdered form of turmeric or clove. Add more turmeric, clove, or water as necessary to achieve the ideal consistency after mixing until it forms a paste. Directly on the area of your gum pain, apply some of the paste. After applying the paste for a short while, rinse it off carefully to avoid swallowing any of it.

4. Tea Bags
Put the tea bag in boiling water for at least five minutes while using black, green, or any other type of tea that has astringent properties. Place the bag on top of your painful gums after allowing it to cool so that it is not scalding hot. Additionally, you might drink tea that has anti-inflammatory qualities, like chamomile or ginger tea.

How To Prevent Burned Gums From Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is generally safe, as long as you take a few precautions. Remember to:

  • Read: All product instructions should be carefully read before being followed exactly as written.
  • Wipe: Use a soft, damp swab to remove the whitening agent right away if it comes in contact with your gums in any way. This typically occurs when using an unsuitable, one-size-fits-all gel tray or when using too much gel.
  • Pay Attention: It’s important to emphasize that you shouldn’t leave the whitening agent on for any longer than the manufacturer advises. If you ever experience any discomfort, simply rinse it off.
  • Heal: Take a break for your gums. Please wait a few days after your gums have fully healed before beginning the whitening procedure again if you had to cut your teeth whitening time short due to gum sensitivity.

A non-peroxide teeth whitening option that is available to you is another option. Some products claim to use only natural ingredients in their marketing. It is important to carefully read the ingredients and instructions because these products may have their own side effects, such as irritated gums.

You might think about getting your teeth whitened professionally even though over-the-counter products have much lower bleaching agent concentrations than those used in your dentist’s office. When you visit a dentist, you are in a controlled environment with dental professionals who take every safety measure to protect your teeth and gums. They can also keep an eye on any irritant situation.

Request a custom-fitted gel tray from your dentist if you don’t have time for professional teeth whitening. Ask your dentist to show you how to fill the tray with whitening gel properly.

Everybody desires a brilliant white smile. You don’t want your gums to turn white (or red) from bleaching agents while trying to achieve that gorgeous smile, though. Be sure to recognize when your gums are irritably burning so you can take action to relieve your gingival tissue. Take preventive measures the next time you have your teeth whitened so that when you smile, your teeth sparkle and your gums appear pink and healthy.

Other Ways To Protect Your Gums

Make sure to wipe any whitening gel that accidentally contacts your gums when applying it to your teeth at home. Keep the whitening gel away from your gums; otherwise, it might cause more damage than you anticipated. Never use a product longer than recommended; always follow the instructions.

Do not use items you have ordered online. You won’t know what you’re purchasing, and you can’t trust a business that merely makes a safety claim about its goods. Use caution if it cannot be obtained legally over-the-counter and a dentist won’t prescribe it.

Regular tooth brushing and flossing can hasten the healing process in your mouth. You can also use desensitizing toothpaste, gently brush your gums with a toothbrush with a soft bristle, and stay away from foods that are hot, cold, or acidic. To give your gums time to heal, treat them with the utmost gentleness.

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