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Dental implants are currently one of the hottest topics in the field. The field of dental implants has undoubtedly undergone a revolution. If you are considering tooth implants for missing teeth, you need to know all pros and cons of dental implants.

Is a dental implant right for you? Here is everything you need to know about dental implants advantages and disadvantages.

Pros Of Dental Implants

Because implants are long-term fixes rather than temporary fixes, they have a number of advantages.

They Look And Feel Like Natural Teeth

Artificial teeth-looking dental implants are available. After your implant has been installed, your replacement tooth and your natural teeth will look so similar that you hardly will be able to tell the difference. As with your natural teeth, implants won’t feel any different. Since the implants are anchored in your jaw, they will feel just as strong as your natural teeth do.

Eat And Chew With Ease

Eating and chewing will feel the same with implants as they would with dentures or bridges. This is so that they feel almost exactly like your natural teeth.

There are no restrictions on what you can eat after the dental implant procedure is finished. You can eat and drink without worrying about whether you prefer chewy foods, crunchy snacks, or hot or cold beverages; just be careful not to consume too many sugary treats.

Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss

Your teeth’s roots promote the development of stronger jaw bones. When a tooth is lost, the surrounding bone may begin to deteriorate and disintegrate. Periodontitis is the term for this.

Like natural teeth, dental implants are secured in your jaw. With dental implants, your jaw bone remains strong and you won’t experience bone loss because the screw thread of the implant functions like the root of a natural tooth.

Implants Are Easy To Look After

It’s crucial to take care of your implants if you want them to last a lifetime, but that doesn’t mean taking care of them is difficult.

They require the same level of maintenance as your natural teeth, including daily brushing, routine checkups, and a balanced diet.

Implant Dentistry Is Cost-effective

Dental implants aren’t the cheapest way to replace missing teeth, but they are very cost-effective as a long-term, even permanent, solution.

Following the installation of your implants, you won’t, or at least not for a very long time, need to pay for them again.

For many years of comfort and confidence, it is a one-time investment. In no time at all, you’ll forget that you ever had a missing tooth.

Dental Implants Can Last A Lifetime

Implants are a durable tooth replacement option. The implants can last a lifetime with proper care, but you might need to replace the crowns every 10 to 15 years.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and good oral hygiene practices. Avoid smoking and consuming sugary foods like candy, soda, and junk food. In addition to routine dental checkups, you should brush your teeth and gum line twice a day.

The likelihood that your dental implants will last for many years will increase if you take good care of them.

Dental Implants

Cons Of Dental Implants

Dental implants have many advantages over drawbacks, but not everyone is a good candidate for this procedure. Here are a few reasons why dental implants might not be the best option for you.

You Have To Meet A Set Of Requirements

You must first fulfill certain requirements in order to undergo dental implant surgery. If you’ve lost a lot of jaw bone as a result of tooth loss, the dental implant may not be successful because the procedure involves anchoring the implant to your jawbone. For your jaw bone to fully heal, you must also be in good health.

Require Surgery

Dental implants may not be for you if you don’t like the idea of surgery because placing an implant requires a series of minor operations on the gum and jaw. In order to prepare you for the procedure and the recovery period, your dentist will go over each step with you in detail.

Your mouth will be numbed with a local anesthetic so that the implant procedure won’t hurt. If you’re anxious, talk to your dentist about other forms of sedation and alternative techniques for controlling dental phobia. A general anesthetic might be necessary if you’re getting multiple implants or extractions done at once.

The Dental Implant Procedure Can Be Lengthy

Dental implant surgery is not what you want if you want a quick fix. The dental implant procedure frequently takes several months and is far from being completed in just one dental appointment.

This must first be removed if you’re replacing an already-damaged tooth. The tooth site will then need to be cleaned and ready for your dentist to place the implant anchor.

After the anchor has been installed, you will need to wait a while for it to heal and for the surrounding bone to grow. The placement of the artificial tooth is the last step of the process.

Multiple Appointments

A series of appointments spread out over up to six months are typically required for the dental implant procedure. The wait is necessary to give the jaw bone time to heal around the implant and hold it firmly in place, which may make it unappealing if you want a quick fix for your smile.

You will be given a temporary crown or bridge to wear during this period. Your final crown, bridge, or abutments for implant-retained dentures can be placed once your dentist is certain that the implant has fully fused with your jaw.

Depending on the rate of bone growth and the kind of implant treatment you’re receiving, there may be exceptions to this timeline. It should be noted that because full arch implants don’t have to bond with the jaw, the procedure can be finished in two or more visits.

Cost Of Dental Implants

The most affordable solution for a missing tooth is not an implant. They are the best long-term solution, but the lengthy process can be quite expensive.

You will need a private dentist to fit you for dental implants because the Health Service Executive typically does not provide them.

The comfort, confidence, and natural feel you’ll experience from dental implants make the price tag worthwhile, and they’re the closest thing you’ll get to getting your natural tooth back. By providing financing options, The James Clinic can also lower the cost of medical care. The entire cost can be paid back over the course of a year or even longer with a finance plan.

Dental Implants Can Fail

Most patients won’t have any problems because the failure rate for dental implants is the lowest it’s ever been. Although dental implant failure occurs in only 5–10% of patients, patients should be aware of the possibility.

Failure can be brought on by gum disease, a lack of jawbone, or other illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, but it can also be brought on by poor dental hygiene or smoking.

Your dentist will determine whether implants are the best choice for you during your initial consultation in order to reduce the risk of implant failure. A failed implant can be removed, and three months later you can try again.

Should I Get Dental Implants?

Whether dental implants are right for you depends on your personal preferences. Your dentist will make sure you are aware of all your tooth replacement options so you can make the best choice. Alternatives to dental implants include:

  • Dental bridges are prosthetic teeth or teeth that are used to fill gaps in your smile. Depending on where they are placed in the mouth, the bridges are affixed to the neighboring teeth by clasps or crowns.
  • Dentures, whether full or partial, are replaceable false teeth that can be taken out and cleaned daily. Dentures can be used to replace one tooth, several teeth, or all of your upper or lower teeth.

During your first implant consultation, you can learn everything there is to know about dental implants and other tooth replacement procedures.

Final Words

Dental implants have both advantages and disadvantages, but the former far outweigh the latter.

Implants are unquestionably the best option for tooth loss if you are a good candidate for them. You can eat, talk, and smile without a care in the world because they appear and feel natural.

But keep in mind that because of its lengthy lifespan, you can unwind after the procedure and enjoy your new smile for many years to come.

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